How to Keep Bugs Away from Your Tent
What can
change your trip from a living heaven to living hell? “BUGS”…
These bugs and other outdoor pests can make your camping a living hell. If you are a fan of great outdoors, you probably know from your experience that how these tiny insects can ruin even the most idyllic camping location with the noises they make or the bites they deliver to you. Luckily, you are not helpless in the face of these little demons. Don’t be discourage from setting up camp exactly where you want by a handful of insects. Just follow the instructions in this article to keep bugs away from your tent, and you will be able to enjoy pest-free outdoor experience of “Cold Air in Dark Night with Warm Fires and Bright Stars”. Read on to find out more.
These bugs and other outdoor pests can make your camping a living hell. If you are a fan of great outdoors, you probably know from your experience that how these tiny insects can ruin even the most idyllic camping location with the noises they make or the bites they deliver to you. Luckily, you are not helpless in the face of these little demons. Don’t be discourage from setting up camp exactly where you want by a handful of insects. Just follow the instructions in this article to keep bugs away from your tent, and you will be able to enjoy pest-free outdoor experience of “Cold Air in Dark Night with Warm Fires and Bright Stars”. Read on to find out more.
First, make sure all the
equipment you are carrying with you for camping is in good working order before
you head out. Carefully check your tent, set up your tent in the backyard, for
any places from where the bugs could get in, small holes, or maybe the zip is
broken leaving gaps. If you find any such areas, repair them -patch the holes,
fix a snagged zipper by lubricating with oil to see if that will release it.
Secondly, once you are out
in wild choose the location for your campsite wisely. Places which are prone to
insect infestations- such as those with standing water (a literal breeding
ground for mosquitoes), lots of vegetation (a source of shelter for the same),
or the presence of utility light poles (bugs are attracted to light)- do
“Avoid” them. Next look for the natural features of your environment that are
within your control, which means you do such activities in which you can prevent
bugs gathering around your tent. For example, keep the dustbins away from your
tent or don’t eat inside your tent as the smell of food can attract bugs. Don’t
leave your cooking stuff unwashed and make sure you store your food in either
plastic or airtight container. Similarly, as mentioned above, bugs are attracted
towards light, try not to use torches, lanterns, and sources of artificial
light away from the door of your tent.
These are the “DO IT
YOURSELF” methods for deterring bugs during your outdoor adventures. Here are
some necessary things which you should carry with yourself when u r going for
camping and expecting an insect free zone. First, take along a good insect repellent - most of the commercial ones
are very effective, yet also contain DEET, a chemical thought by some to be
toxic to humans. If you don't want to expose yourself to this substance, then
try one of the all-natural home-made ones - there are lots of recipes out there
on the internet, so do your own research. In many of these 'natural' bug
sprays, substances like eucalyptus oil are the active ingredient - so not only
are they effective in shielding you from mosquitoes, they also make you smell
good. Citronella candles are another good option here. Some outdoors men will
even go to the lengths of hanging garlic and onions upon their tents as it is
thought to keep the insects away! A final pointer: wear insect repellent
clothing, i.e. if the climate permits, choose thickly woven long sleeve shirts
and pants, with thick woolen socks and heavy boots. On the other hand, if it's
really hot, this won't be an option: fortunately, though, there are special
clothes you can purchase that have insect repellent within their fabric, and
that are said to work well in deterring bugs.
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